The Noble Quran beta

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The Sovereignty


The Surah has been titled after the word Quraish in the very first verse.


The Pen


The Surah has been titled after the word al-ma'un occurring at the end of the last verse.


The Reality


The Surah has been titled after the word al-kauthar occurring in the first verse.


The Ascending Stairways


The Surah takes its name from the word al-kafirun occurring in the first verse.




The Surah takes its name from the word nasr occurring in the first verse.


The Jinn


The Surah takes its name from the word Lahab in the first verse.


The Enshrouded One


Al-Ikhlas is not merely the name of this Surah but also the title of its contents, for it deals exclusively with Tauhid. The other Surahs of the Quran generally have been designated after a word occurring in them, but in this Surah the word Ikhlas has occurred nowhere. It has been given this name in view of its meaning and subject matter. Whoever understands it and believes in its teaching, will get rid of shirk (polytheism) completely.


The Cloaked One


Although these two Surahs of the Qur'an are separate entities and are written in the Mushaf also under separate names, yet they are so deeply related mutually and their contents so closely resemble each other's that they have been designated by a common name Mu'awwidhatayn (the two Surahs in which refuge with Allah has been sought). Imam Baihaqi in Dala'il an-Nubuwwat has written that these Surahs were revealed together, that is why the combined name of both is Mu'awwidhatayn. We are writing the same one Introduction to both, for they discuss and deal with just the same matters and topics. However, they will be explained and commented on separately below.


The Resurrection


Although these two Surahs of the Qur'an are separate entities and are written in the Mushaf also under separate names, yet they are so deeply related mutually and their contents so closely resemble each other's that they have been designated by a common name Mu'awwidhatayn (the two Surahs in which refuge with Allah has been sought). Imam Baihaqi in Dala'il an-Nubuwwat has written that these Surahs were revealed together, that is why the combined name of both is Mu'awwidhatayn. We are writing the same one Introduction to both, for they discuss and deal with just the same matters and topics. However, they will be explained and commented on separately below.


The Man


This Surah takes its name (The Night Journey) from v. 1. But this name is merely a distinctive appellation like the names of many other surahs and not a descriptive title, and does not mean that 'The Night Journey' is the theme of this Surah.


The Emissaries


This Surah takes its name from v. 9 in which the word (Al-Kahf) occurs.


is the holy scripture of Islam. Muslims believe that it is the literal word of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎), revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) over a period of 23 years. The Quran is cohmposed of 114 Suras (chapters) and contains 6,236 Ayat (verses). Muslim beliefs and practices are based on the Quran and the Sunnah (the teachings and example of Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) .

Meccan Surahs

The Meccan Surahs are the earliest revelations that were sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم). They were revealed in Mecca, hence their name. These revelations form the foundation of the Islamic faith and contain guidance for Muslims on how to live their lives. The Meccan Surahs are also notable for their poetic beauty and lyrical prose.

Medinan Surahs

The Medinan Surahs of the noble Quran are the latest 24 Surahs that, according to Islamic tradition, were revealed at Medina after Prophet Muhammad's (صلى الله عليه وسلم) hijra from Mecca. These Surahs were revealed by Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) when the Muslim community was larger and more developed, as opposed to their minority position in Mecca.

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